Set-up of your dedicated Ucits fund
Interested to know more? Get in touch with us to discuss further.
MFP SICAV p.l.c., ‘Malta Fund Partners’, is a self-managed open-ended collective investment scheme organised as a multi-fund public limited liability company with variable share capital registered under the laws of Malta and Licensed by the Malta Financial Services Authority in terms of the Investment Services Act (Chapter 370, Laws of Malta).
UCITS (Undertaking of Collective Investments in Transferable Securities)
The company qualifies as a Maltese UCITS in terms of the Investment Services Act Regulations. UCITS is a regulatory framework of the European Commission that creates a harmonized regime throughout Europe for the management and sale of mutual funds.
Cross-Border Distribution
UCITS can be created in Europe and distributed across the globe with an implemented procedure known as passporting. UCITS are exempt from the requirement to be regulated by each individual European country.
The fact that UCITS are recognized and regulated investment products following a set of quality standards makes them especially attractive to private and institutional investors.
There are also possible exemptions to the investment diversification limits on single investment vehicle allowing for UCITS to be fully invested in other UCITS fund and thus allowing for the creation of a master-feeder structure.
Investors’ protection
One of the cornerstones of the European Union’s UCITS directives governing investment funds suitable for sale to the general public is the concept of investor protection.
The directive sets out universal rules on how these funds should be structured, managed, governed, and how their assets should be safeguarded emphasizing various important aspects of investor protection:
- Eligible assets
- Diversification
- Liquidity
- Valuation
- Risk management and compliance
- Oversight and safekeeping
- Fund information
Funds that meet these criteria can be sold freely to the public in any EU country, provided that they meet the standard UCITS passporting notification requirements.
MFP SICAV plc is the one stop shop for fund promotors and investments managers who want to set-up their dedicated ‘white labelled’ sub-fund.
Independent fund compartments on MFP fund platform
The “protected cell concept” is an innovative and flexible solution for investment fund managers who seek to create their own regulated investment vehicle without the need to incorporate a complex stand-alone fund platform.
The rights of the investors and creditors of a compartment are limited to the assets of that compartment. This corresponds to the “protected cell concept” – i.e. the segregation of assets and liabilities on a single compartment.
MFP SICAV p.l.c. provides a cost-efficient and quick set-up of a dedicated UCITS fund compartment