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Diversification across different strategies and managers

MFP SICAV PLC – Best Strategies fund

Interested to know more? Get in touch with us to discuss further. 

Fund objective

The objective of this fund is to generate capital growth over a medium-term by investing in mixed flexible funds and absolute return funds.

The Best Strategies fund builds positions in bonds, equities, and other assets. The fund may also invest in ETFs, government bonds, money market instruments and financial derivatives.

The managers of the underlying funds take into account the principle of risk diversification by spreading the investments. As a client, you have access to several managers who are given a mandate to freely determine their own vision and strategy.

The MFP SICAV PLC – Best Strategies Fund is a sub-fund of MFP Sicav plc.

Management team

The MFP SICAV PLC – Best Strategies Fund is managed by Invest4Growth Asset Management Ltd, a management company founded by the fund’s managers, Sam Safavi and Raphaël Ursi. They are assisted by Luc Picarelle, co-manager of the fund. They all have extensive experience in portfolio management as they built their career in the financial sector at major institutions such as ING, Deutsche Bank, BNP Paribas Fortis and Citibank. They are regularly called upon as experts in the media, at conferences and in post-academic training programs.

Investment Strategy

The fund offers a patrimonial management seeking limited volatility by diversifying the portfolio across all asset classes and across different managers and management styles. The fund seeks to add value over the medium term by investing in flexible, balanced funds and absolute return funds. It offers access to different strategies:

Through this broad diversification across different managers and different absolute return strategies, the fund offers a decorrelation to the equity and bond markets.

The manager selection process is based on quantitative and qualitative analysis:

  1. Quantitative analysis
    • Numerical comparison of the performance of flexible funds and absolute return funds in the same risk category. These criteria are objective and based on the past. However, past performance is no guarantee of future performance. The focus is on funds with, among other things:
      • low standard deviations(*)
      • limited maximum drawdowns (MDD) (**)
      • positive Up-Market and Down-Market capture ratios (***)
  2. Qualitative analysis
    • More subjective analysis where much attention and weight is given to the following criteria:
      • Who is the fund’s management company?
      • Who are the portfolio managers and how long have they been managing the fund?
      • How big is the management team and what is the distribution of tasks?
      •  What is the philosophy and management process of the fund?
  3. Stress-tests
    • The selected funds are subject to regular stress tests. These are carried out at least quarterly or prior to any event that could have a significant impact on financial markets, such as a decision by central banks, a referendum, etc.
  4. Financial derivatives
    • Derivative financial products can be used for hedging, risk diversification or to generate an additional return.

Advantages of MFP SICAV PLC – Best Strategies Fund


This is a marketing communication. Please refer to the Prospectus of MFP Sicav plc, the Offering Supplement of Best Strategies Fund and to the KIID before making any final investment decision. These are also available from this link.  The prospectuses also provide details about the costs and risks of investing in the Fund. It should also be noted that investments made in the Fund concerns actual acquisition of units or shares in the Fund and not in the underlying assets into which the funds may invest. The value of your investment may go down as well as up and past performance does not predict future returns.