Our Investment Philosophy
We do not use a benchmarked approach but build investment portfolios based on a bottom-up approach.
We verify correlations, up- and downside capture of market movements, beta, alpha and Sharpe and Sortino ratios in order to construct solid portfolios and monitor the portfolios continuously.
We are specialised in equities, derivatives and fund analysis and complement our specialties with investment solutions from our partners such as Pictet, Invesco, iShares and others.
Sustainability is at the heart of our philosophy. Sustainability to us means taking responsibility for the impact Invest4Growth Group has on the surroundings. It encompasses the ability to be a credible and reliable partner, which acts in the best interest of customers and ethically and responsibly towards society.
Invest4Growth’s mission is also to offer investment solutions that have a superior return risk balance and sustainability is an essential element that impacts financial return and risks of our solutions. Investee companies with sustainable business practices tend to be more successful in the long-term.